Thursday, December 9, 2010

Question 11

The advertisement on the right can be related to my topic and also two other articles we read this semester. My topic was about the "ideal" teen or college age woman in advertising. But I can also relate this advertisement to the Public Sphere model that Couteau and Hoynes discuss in which raises important questions about the role of media and how they have power over our society. These media giants have the power to distort a women’s body in ways that are impossible to achieve in real life and use that to just sell a product. These models can’t get much skinnier and it scares me to think how far these media companies will go. They have completely distorted our view on what women "should" look like. I also think this picture can be related to Jean Baudrillards article "Simulacra and Simulations.” Which explains how reality has become fake, or hyper real and that simulation is real, but "real" is now re-constructed into something that is perceived to be reality, but really isn't. Just like the many advertisements I talked about it both of my papers and other photos that are photo shopped that we see today. Today’s reality in media will keep becoming more fake as new ideas and technology are created.

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